Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Victim

McHenry County Department of Health (MCDH) reports a 53 year old woman from Woodstock is currently hospitalized after being diagnosed with Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) from a tick bite; location of the tick exposure is unknown.  The last reported RMSF case in McHenry County was in 2008.

Rocky Mountain spotted fever can be a severe or even fatal illness if not treated in the first few days of symptoms, even in previously healthy people. Patients who are treated early may recover quickly; however, those who experience a more severe course may require prolonged hospitalization and may develop long-term health problems caused by this disease. MCDH is warning residents to take precautions against tick bites to prevent contracting the diseases they may carry. 

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the first symptoms of RMSF typically begin 2-14 days after the bite of an infected tick. A tick bite is usually painless and about half of the people who develop RMSF do not remember being bitten. Typical symptoms include: fever, headache, abdominal pain, vomiting, and muscle pain. A rash may also develop, but is often absent in the first few days, and in some patients, never develops. Few people will develop all these symptoms, and the number and combination of symptoms varies greatly from person to person. 

If you experience these symptoms, and have had possible exposure to ticks, contact your physician for reporting to MCDH.  If physicians have questions regarding testing, please call MCDH’s Communicable Disease program at 815-334-4500.

The best way to protect against tick-borne illness includes –
  • Educate yourself, family about tick identification, removal and symptom awareness.
  • Walk in the center of trails.  Avoid wooded, bushy areas with high grass and leaf litter (including vacant lots in residential areas). Wear light-colored clothing to make ticks easier to find. Tuck long pants into socks and boots.
  • Apply insect repellent containing DEET (30% or less) to exposed skin. Follow label instructions.
  • Conduct full-body tick checks on family member’s clothing (including underarms, in/around ears, inside belly button, behind knees, between legs, around waists, and especially in the hair). Also check any gear taken on outings.
  • Keep pets out of tick habitats like tall grass/brush. Ask your vet to recommend an over-the-counter tick killer/repellent.  Always examine pets before bringing them inside. 
The CDC recommends bathing or showering as soon as possible after coming indoors (preferably within two hours) to wash off and more easily find ticks.

For more information on RMSF, contact MCDH’s Communicable Disease Program at 815-334-4500 or visit

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