Saturday, September 10, 2011

Planning For A Centennial

The City of Crystal Lake will be celebrating its centennial anniversary of incorporation in 2014—(September 23, 1914 to September 23, 2014).

A Crystal Lake Centennial Committee has been established to develop, support and implement the city’s plan to commemorate Crystal Lake’s Centennial. The mission of this committee is to educate, celebrate and commemorate the 100th anniversary of the City. The mission of this committee is to educate, celebrate and commemorate the 100 anniversary of the City, thereby educating the community about Crystal Lake’s rich history.

The Committee will plan a celebration that will honor the City’s unique past and usher in the next 100 years of its extraordinary future.

The city is seeking the involvement of residents, businesses, organizations and community groups throughout the city. Interested community members may obtain an application on-line at or from City Hall.

November 4, 2011 is the last day to submit applications, which will be reviewed by the City Council. The City Council will appoint members from the pool of applicants at a future City Council meeting.

The Committee will be composed of 11 members: the Mayor and two City Council members and 8 individuals appointed from the community who could represent the following categories:
  • Chamber of Commerce
  • Arts & entertainment
  • Sports clubs
  • Historical Society
  • Education
  • Environmental
  • Service organizations
  • Tourism
  • Non-profit groups
  • Civic
  • Community at-large
 The Committee will meet on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in City Hall. The first committee meeting will be in January 2012.

Commemorating Events Of Ten Years Ago

Ten years ago, Raue Center For The Arts had its inaugural Opening Night scheduled.  Featuring Bill Cosby, it was a well anticipated event!  But as the events of September 11, 2001 unfolded, Raue Center, like so many others, postponed the show.

The show did go on, like the lives of many Americans, but never without remembering the events of that fateful morning.

Ten years later, Raue Center For The Arts and the Lions Club remember that day by proudly displaying an American Flag from Raue Center's fly tower. They hope that upon seeing the flag, we will all remember and honor that day.  Look beyond gender, age, race and ethnicity, and come together as a community to honor those that gave their lives for our freedom.

Enjoy A Chicken Dinner -----

And help the McHenry County’s 4-H.

It is time for McHenry County 4-H Foundation's “All You can eat Chicken!

October 3rd is the date and Crandall's in Hebron is the location

Tickets are $12
They can be purchased by mailing a check for the amount to:
McHenry County 4-H Foundation
%Cheryl Hammerand
4801 W. Wonder Lake Drive
Wonder Lake, IL 60097

Tickets will be returned by mail.

Congressman Don Manzullo Statement on September 11

Congressman Don Manzullo (R-Egan) issued the following statement on the 10th anniversary of the September 11 attacks on our nation:

“We will never forget September 11. We will never forget the people who lost their lives nor the families they left behind. And we will never forget the heroes who gave their lives to help many others on that tragic day 10 years ago. “I can still recall in vivid detail watching and thanking the firefighters who were working tirelessly sifting through the debris at the Pentagon with their exhausted rescue dogs, who were wearing special leather boots so the glass and steel shards did not cut their paws. Fear gripped the United States of America on that day 10 years ago, but the strength and support of the American people pulled us through those dark days. May God Bless America."

Words of Wisdom

 "I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history and naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain."

--John Adams, letter to Abigail Adams, 1780

Crystal Lake Remembers

On Sunday, September 11, 2011, at noon, Crystal Lake will join communities throughout the nation in marking the 10th anniversary of the attacks on New York City, Washington, D.C. and Shanksville, Pennsylvania with a "Moment of Remembrance."

Flag and Bell Ceremony
Prior to the noon beginning ceremony,-- beginning at 11:55 a.m.--  as part of the “Moment of Remembrance” the Crystal Lake Fire Rescue and Police Departments Honor Guards will conduct a flag and bell ceremony at the Crystal Lake City Hall, 100 W. Woodstock Street. The location of the ceremony is at the outdoor entrance f City Hall in front of the flag poles.

Reflecting On Events of Ten Years Ago
Residents and businesses are asked to stop at noon and take a moment to reflect on the tragedies that occurred ten years ago, as well as to honor those who protect our communities, our nation and our freedoms today.

Available Police and Fire Rescue sirens will sound at that moment, and Crystal Lake’s faith community is being asked to sound bells or chimes at that moment.

The community is also asked to fly the American flag that day, at half staff if possible, as a sign of unity and remembrance.

The following link will take you to the US Senate Resolution that was passed in July, calling for a national “Moment of Remembrance.”

Friday, September 9, 2011

Rakow Road Paving On Saturday

Concrete paving will begin Saturday, September 10th, at the intersections of Ackman and McHenry.

 Please expect some traffic delays in this area as concrete trucks pull in and out of these intersections.  Paving will continue the week of September 12th at intersections further east as well as on the mainline, starting south of Ackman.  It will be necessary to use flaggers at times to allow the concrete trucks access, so please be alert! 

Thank you for your continued patience.

Also, please support the Rakow Road Businesses!
While construction along the Rakow Road corridor is making good progress, it is a difficult time for many of the Rakow Road businesses.   These businesses are part of the community and are in need of support at this time.  All of these businesses are easily accessible and open for your business.  Please help support these businesses.

Patriot Day

Sunday, September 11, 2011
1:00pm - 4:00pm

McHenry County Historical Society & Museum
6422 Main St.reet
Union, IL, 60180

The McHenry County Historical Society & Museum invites visitors to explore the museum's collection of local reflections on the historic tragedies of September 11, 2011. Visitors are also encouraged to add their own. Museum admission is free.

Phone: 815-923-2267

McHenry County Transportation Demands Explode

Over the last twenty years, transportation demand in McHenry County has exploded. With the population increasing over 68% since 1990, more and more people are using the County’s roads, trains, buses, and sidewalks. However, McHenry County’s transportation infrastructure has not been able to keep up with the increased demand, which is partially due to the rapid rate of growth. There are needs to increase capacity for all modes and users of the County’s transportation system.

In order to identify and address McHenry County’s future transportation needs, the McHenry County Division of Transportation (MCDOT) recently began work on the County’s 2040 Long-Range Transportation Plan.  The Plan will provide a blueprint for all future transportation decisions, including future infrastructure projects, prioritizing what and when projects are built, maintaining the existing transportation system, and expanding the options that residents have to get to their destinations.  The public involvement process for this work is funded in part with federal Unified Work Program funds awarded by the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning.  Needed transit systems analysis and planning is funded in part with Subregional Planning funds awarded by the Regional Transportation Authority.

As part of this effort, the MCDOT is currently holding a series of “pop-up” meetings across the County.  The purpose of a pop-up meeting is to build awareness among the County’s stakeholders about the project and to obtain general input on how they would like to see transportation improved in the County.   Participants at each pop-up meeting were asked how they would spend money on transportation in McHenry County and to provide staff with their one big idea for improving transportation in the area.  Pop-up meetings were held at the McHenry County Fair, the Crystal Lake and Algonquin Farmers Markets, the Hearthstone Centegra Senior Fair, the McHenry County College, and an event hosted by the McHenry County Economic Development Corporation.  Additional meetings are planned for September and October.

Facts About Flu

McHenry County Department of Health (MCDH) wants you to know the facts about the flu. 
  • Who is at risk?
  • How is it spread?
  • What are the symptoms?
  • How do you protect yourself, your family?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends a flu shot for everyone 6 months and older as the best protection against influenza.  MCDH has flu clinics starting on Wednesday September 14. Appointments for mercury-free shots ($30) for adults and children 9 years and older can be made by calling 815-334-4510 or online at

High risk individuals include pregnant women, adults 65 and older, children younger than 5 years old and those with chronic health conditions like asthma, diabetes, and heart and lung disease.  Influenza is highly contagious respiratory illness which even healthy people can get.  It spreads person to person through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Symptoms include fever (usually high), headache, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose and body aches. A good way to reduce spreading the flu virus is to cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing, washing hands frequently and staying home when you are sick.

As the flu season is long and unpredictable, MCDH encourages residents to get a flu shot as early as possible as it takes 2 weeks for antibodies to develop to provide protection. A flu shot protects not only you but those around you – especially high risk individuals who can suffer complications and possible hospitalization from the flu.  Vaccination is also important for healthcare workers and other people who live with or care for high risk people like schools and childcare providers. 

For more information on the flu, visit

Driver Safety Program Classes

An AARP Driver Safety Program Class, is sponsored by and taking place at Grafton Township, 10109 Vine Street, Huntley, on Saturday, September 17, and Saturday, September 24 from 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM each day .

Also offered Monday, October 10th, and Wednesday, October 12, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM each day, and Monday, November 21st, and Tuesday, November 22, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM each day

This comprehensive course is designed especially for drivers 50 and above, but all drivers are welcome to participate. Participants learn how to operate their vehicles more safely in today’s increasingly challenging driving environment and receive a thorough review of the “rules of the road,” with an emphasis on safety strategies of defensive driving.

You will also find out how to safely adjust your driving to compensate for age-related changes in vision, hearing and reaction time.

You will receive a certificate of completion that, under Illinois law, entitles a 55+ years driver to a reduction in auto insurance premiums for three years (please check with your insurance company for the exact discount and the correct procedure to obtain it).

It is a two-day course; participants must attend both classes. Available in a classroom setting, the course is open to AARP members and non-members of all ages, and there are no tests. All participants must pre-register. To register for the class mail a check made out to AARP for $14 (AARP members get a $2 discount) to Grafton Township Supervisor, Linda Moore, PO Box 37, Huntley, IL 60142.

 For more information, please contact Township Office at 847-669-3328. This program is coordinated by the Grafton Township Supervisor Linda Moore. Snacks and drinks during the class are sponsored by Bickford Senior Living.

Remembering September 11, 2001

On Sunday, September 11, 2011 at noon, Crystal Lake will be joining communities throughout the nation in marking the 10th anniversary of the attacks on New York City, Washington, D.C. and Shanksville, Pennsylvania with a “Moment of Remembrance.”

Residents and businesses are asked to stop at that hour and take a moment to reflect on the tragedies that occurred ten years ago, as well as to honor those who protect our communities, our nation and our freedoms today.

Available Police and Fire Rescue sirens will sound at that moment, and Crystal Lake’s faith community is being asked to sound bells or chimes at that moment.

The community is also asked o fly the American flag that day at half staff if possible, as a sign of unity and remembrance. The following link will take you to the US Senate Resolution that was passed in July, calling for a national “Moment of Remembrance.”

As part of the “Moment of Remembrance”, the Crystal Lake Fire Rescue and Police Departments Honor Guards will also conduct a flag and bell ceremony at the Crystal Lake City Hall, located at 100 W. Woodstock Street. The ceremony will begin at 11:55 a.m. and will be conducted at the outdoor entrance of City Hall in front of the flag poles. 

Words of Wisdom

 "No country upon earth ever had it more in its power to attain these blessings than United America. Wondrously strange, then, and much to be regretted indeed would it be, were we to neglect the means and to depart from the road which Providence has pointed us to so plainly; I cannot believe it will ever come to pass."

--George Washington, letter to Benjamin Lincoln, 1788

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Responses To The President of United States

 Rep. Manzullo Responds to
President Obama's Address to Congress
Don Manzullo (R-Egan) tonight issued the following statement responding to President Obama’s Address to Congress:

“We will certainly work with the President on some of the proposals he discussed tonight to help employers put Americans back to work, such as extending tax incentives to encourage business equipment purchases. But the best way the President could spur job creation in America would simply be to announce a moratorium on tax increases and unnecessary regulatory burdens that threaten on our job creators. These were the main concerns I heard from small employers during several business roundtables I hosted in northern Illinois the past month. Such an announcement by the President would give our employers the certainty and confidence they need to expand their businesses and put Americans
Libertarians respond to Obama speech and Republican debate
Libertarian Party Executive Director Wes Benedict has released a video response to President Obama's jobs speech. The video is available here.

A transcript follows:
My name is Wes Benedict and I'm the Executive Director of the Libertarian National Committee in Washington, DC.

I have a message for the American people in response to President Obama's proposal tonight for an American Jobs Act. I also have a few comments about last night's Republican Presidential debate.

Unemployment is at 9 percent. Four years ago, in late 2007, unemployment was less than 5 percent. Then in 2008, President Bush mailed out millions of 300-dollar government stimulus checks. Later that year, he supported the massive TARP bailout. Unemployment rose. In 2009, President Obama said if we passed another big stimulus plan, unemployment would stay below 8 percent. Now it's at 9 percent. Government spending does not help the economy, it hurts the economy.

Stimulus spending doesn't create jobs, it destroys them. When investors hear that the U.S. government is going to flush more money down the spending hole, they react immediately by cutting back on investments that would have created jobs.

Government stimulus spending benefits a few, but at great expense to everyone else. Politicians like to be able to say they're "doing something," but too often, "doing something" means handing out money to special interests. Often these programs are promoted with false claims that they will benefit the poor and middle class. Usually the opposite happens.

We don't need the government "doing something" if it involves more spending and new programs.

We'd be better off if the government stopped trying to help, and gave Americans a chance to recover, adjust their plans, and start solving economic problems themselves.

However, if politicians feel like they must be seen "doing something", then they should cut spending, bring our troops home from the Middle East, reduce Medicare and Social Security benefits, cut taxes, and eliminate burdensome licensing laws and minimum wage laws. Licensing and minimum wage laws take the bottom rungs off the economic ladder.

The President's tax cut proposals are good and bad. Libertarians always support broad-based tax cuts. But targeted special-interest cuts and loopholes just amount to social engineering, and they pit different interest groups against each other. And tax cuts without spending cuts virtually guarantee that future generations will suffer a heavier tax burden.

It's foolish to talk about increasing taxes on the wealthy. That would be a great way to destroy even more jobs. Libertarians want to cut spending, and cut taxes for everyone.

Last night, I watched the Republican Presidential debate, and it was the same old nonsense from Republicans. They sometimes say they are for free markets. Yet, Mitt Romney defended his Romney Care plan. Rick Perry boasted about his new 3-billion-dollar taxpayer funded medical research center in Texas. Newt Gingrich said we need to grow revenue. Mr. Gingrich, the last thing we need is to put more money into the incompetent, wasteful, and corrupt hands of the federal government.

Libertarians want less government, and more jobs. We support free markets, civil liberties, and peace.

You can find out more on our website at

Thank you, and good night.
For more information, or to arrange an interview, call LP Executive Director Wes Benedict at 202-333-0008 ext. 222.

The LP is America's third-largest political party, founded in 1971. The Libertarian Party stands for free markets, civil liberties, and peace. You can find more information on the Libertarian Party at our website.


U.S. officials say they have discovered information about what they are calling a "credible threat" of a specific attack planned to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks Sources told U.S. news media Thursday the information suggests the threat may focus on Washington, DC or New York City

Officials say the threat is unconfirmed and that they are continuing to investigate. They say they are considering whether to brief local police about what to look for and whether to make the information public. The government is also considering whether to raise the country's terrorist alert level.

Earlier Thursday, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said intelligence officials have lately picked up more "chatter" on terrorist websites. She said the U.S. is taking all of the talk seriously.

Earlier this week, the United States raised the alert level at its domestic military bases as a precaution. Meanwhile, the U.S. says terrorists are now struggling to secure steady financing.

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner told a symposium in Washington Thursday that al-Qaida can "no longer rely on a thick Rolodex and a simple bank transfer. Geithner said that the struggle to secure cash is the result of ongoing U.S. and international efforts to identify terror donors and hit them with sanctions. He also said that the death of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden has also hurt the group's fundraising efforts.

The Treasury Department chief says al-Qaida's current financial struggles contrast greatly with the terror group's financial standing 10 years ago, when it carried out attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon. Still, he warned the terror group is resilient and will continue to find ways to access money.

U.S. President Barack Obama's top anti-terror advisor also addressed the symposium. John Brennan said even though "virtually every major al-Qaida affiliate has lost its key leader or operational commander," the terror group continues to plot against the U.S. Separately, the former co-chair of the bipartisan 9-11 Commission told U.S. lawmakers Thursday the country is still not as secure or as safe as it should be.

Former congressman Lee Hamilton told the House of Representative's Homeland Security Committee the country's various anti-terror agencies still suffer from a lack of unified leadership. He called for additional improvement in sharing critical intelligence across anti-terror agencies.

Hamilton's request was supported by U.S. Comptroller General Gene Dodaro, who heads the Government Accountability Office. Dodaro said the country needs a law making it clear that the director of national intelligence is the nation's topmost intelligence authority.

The very first secretary of Homeland Security also appeared before the House panel.
Former secretary Tom Ridge cautioned that no matter how hard anti-terror officials work, another attack is likely.

Congressman Walsh, R-8th, Supporting Israel's Right To Annex Judea and Samaria

Today, Congressman Joe Walsh introduced a resolution supporting Israel’s right to annex Judea and Samaria in the event that the Palestinian Authority continues to press for unilateral U.N. recognition of Palestinian statehood.  It anticipates the General Assembly vote on recognition of Palestinian statehood scheduled for September 20. 

The resolution coincides with a bill being introduced in the Israeli Knesset to terminate all obligations and agreements made between Israel and the Palestinian Authority and implement full Israeli sovereignty over the land in which Jewish communities of Judea and Samaria currently reside.

“The Palestinian Authority has repeatedly violated peace agreements and has even joined forces with the terrorist group Hamas.  But the United States has continued to give aid to the Palestinians on the one condition that they continue to negotiate with Israel for peace.  Now the Palestinians can’t even do that and have cut Israel completely out of the process by pushing for unilateral recognition of Palestinian statehood at the United Nations.  This is the last straw.  It is clear that the Palestinian Authority no longer has any interest in peace.”

“We must stand firmly by Israel because a strong and secure democracy in the Middle East is absolutely vital to American security.  The Palestinian Authority has to negotiate directly with Israel.  If it is going to continue to cut Israel out and violate its peace agreements, then the United States must support Israel’s efforts to defend its sovereignty and the security of its citizens.”

“A U.N. recognized Palestinian state would potentially put Israelis directly under the sovereignty of a group of people that have sworn the destruction of Israel and its people.  This is unacceptable, and, in the absence of a negotiated peace agreement, Israel has the right to protect its citizens living in Judea and Samaria by annexing those territories.”

Congressman Walsh has introduced two other bills in defense of Israel during the 112th Congress.  H.R. 1501 will withhold funding from the United Nations until it retracts the Goldstone Report, a 2009 report that accused Israel of war crimes.  H.R. 2457, the Palestinian Accountability Act, will withhold funding from the Palestinian Authority until it stops inciting violence against Israel and recognizes Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish State; it will also withhold US funding to the United Nations if that body or any of its entities unilaterally recognize Palestinian statehood.

Words of Wisdom

"It should be the highest ambition of every American to extend his views beyond himself, and to bear in mind that his conduct will not only affect himself, his country, and his immediate posterity; but that its influence may be co-extensive with the world, and stamp political happiness or misery on ages yet unborn."

-George Washington, letter to the Legislature of Pennsylvania, 1789

Remembering September 11, 2001

On Sunday, September 11, 2011 at noon, Crystal Lake will be joining communities throughout the nation in marking the 10th anniversary of the attacks on New York City, Washington, D.C. and Shanksville, Pennsylvania with a “Moment of Remembrance.”

Residents and businesses are asked to stop at that hour and take a moment to reflect on the tragedies that occurred ten years ago, as well as to honor those who protect our communities, our nation and our freedoms today.

Available Police and Fire Rescue sirens will sound at that moment, and Crystal Lake’s faith community is being asked to sound bells or chimes at that moment.

The community is also asked o fly the American flag that day at half staff if possible, as a sign of unity and remembrance. The following link will take you to the US Senate Resolution that was passed in July, calling for a national “Moment of Remembrance.”

As part of the “Moment of Remembrance”, the Crystal Lake Fire Rescue and Police Departments Honor Guards will also conduct a flag and bell ceremony at the Crystal Lake City Hall, located at 100 W. Woodstock Street. The ceremony will begin at 11:55 a.m. and will be conducted at the outdoor entrance of City Hall in front of the flag poles.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Thursday County Meetings

8:30 a.m.—Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs Committee—
Meeting in the County Government Center – Administration Building, 667 Ware Road, Woodstock.

A presentation is slated by David Hoover, Northern Illinois Municipal Electric Collaborative on Residential Aggregation of Electricity.

State and Federal Legislative Updates are scheduled.

Under New Business, several topics are listed including Stormwater Utility, Future State Legislative Program, and Metro Counties Position on FOIA Requests.

Words of Wisdom

"Without justice being freely, fully, and impartially administered, neither our persons, nor our rights, nor our property, can be protected. And if these, or either of them, are regulated by no certain laws, and are subject to no certain principles, and are held by no certain tenure, and are redressed, when violated, by no certain remedies, society fails of all its value; and men may as well return to a state of savage and barbarous independence."

--Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution, 1833

Wednesday, September 7

8:15 a.m.—Transportation Committee of McHenry County Board
  • Meeting in McHenry County Division of Transportation Main Conference Room, 16111 Nelson Road, Woodstock.

    The committee will view a couple presentations regarding Greenwood Road Scenic Route Designation and 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan Update.

    Several resolutions are being presented for approval related to the following:
  • Engineering services agreement for pavement condition survey services:
  • Amending an intergovernmental agreement between McHenry County and Pace Suburban Bus to modify registration procedures for coordinated transportation services;
  • Authorizing the transfer of surface transportation program funds for partial reimbursement of the county engineer’s annual salary.
Several resolutions are being presented for approval providing funds for engineering services for pavement condition survey services; modification of registration procedures between McHenry County and Pace Suburban Bus for coordinated transportation services; and authorizing transfer of surface transportation program funds for partial reimbursement of the County Engineers Salary.

10:00 a.m.—McHenry County Board Standing Committee Chairmen—
Meeting in the County Board Conference Room of the County Administration Building, 667 Ware Road, Woodstock. These Committee Chairmen are to hold a discussion concerning elected official salaries.

4:30 p.m. –Crystal Lake City Foreign Fire Insurance Board –
Meeting in the Crystal Lake Municipal Complex, 100 W. Woodstock Street.

A report is slated to be made regarding by-laws along with any unfinished business. New business includes Mustang Ice Rescue pro suite, Motorola Monitor Pagers and Awards Luncheon.

6:00 p.m. – Crystal Lake High School District 155 Board—
Scheduled to hold an executive session meeting in the District Board Room of the Center For Education, One South Virginia Road, Crystal Lake.

The printed agenda from the District indicated that there could be action taken on the matter being considered—Appointment, employment compensation, discipline, performance, resignation of dismissal of employee.

It should be noted that this is the language in the statute allowing for the executive session and does not necessarily all items are being discussed.

7:00 p.m. –McHenry County Animal Control Advisory Committee—
Meeting in the Animal Control Crystal Lake facility located at 100 N. Virginia Street.

The committee will present a plaque to Ed Varga `for years of service to the McHenry County Animal Control Advisory Committee.

Other matters to be considered include updates on offsite adoption events, new vehicles, surgical suite flooring, and job openings,

7:30 p.m. Crystal Lake Planning and Zoning Commission—
Usually meets at this time, but the meeting is cancelled due to the lack of completed petitions to revue. The next regularly scheduled meeting is Wednesday, September 21 at 7:30 p.m.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Public Invitation To Free MCC Event Honoring 9/11 Lost Lives

Wednesday, Sept. 7, beginning at 8:45 a.m.

The McHenry County Colllege Student Life Office will host a short program to remember and honor the lives lost in the attacks of 9/11. Nearly 3,000 American flags will be displayed in the cafeteria patio lawn area – each representing a casualty of the attack.

The program begins at 8:45 a.m., the time the first tower was struck, at the Peace Pole directly outside the cafeteria. Following the program, pastries and refreshments will be provided.

The public is invited to this free event.

Words of Wisdom

"I should consider the speeches of Livy, Sallust, and Tacitus, as preeminent specimens of logic, taste and that sententious brevity which, using not a word to spare, leaves not a moment for inattention to the hearer. Amplification is the vice of modern oratory." --Thomas Jefferson, letter to David Harding, 1824.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Tuesday, September 6 Meetings

9:00 a.m. – McHenry County Board—
Meeting in the County Board Room, County Administration Building, 667 Ware Road, Woodstock.

Proclamations --The Board is being requested to approve a proclamation recognizing Kevin Charles for Public Service with the McHenry County Division of Transportation and United States Army Corps of Engineers, having served in Afghanistan from June 16, 2009 through May 17, 2011 in support of Operation Enduring Freedom building projects.

Also a Proclamation is being presented proclaiming Monday, September 26 as Family Day—A Day to Eat Dinner With Your Children.

Recognizing the Sheriff’s Office --for winning Illinois Traffic Safety Challenge for 2010-2011. The Department took First Place in Sheriff’s Office agency for the 101-250 class. An award was also awarded Rookie of the Year (First year entrants of all classes).

Drug Court Presentation -- A special presentation is slated to be provided for the Board members and public on the Drug Court Program.

Artwork Presentation--Another presentation is the artwork of local artists which is being presented for display in the County Government Center.

Appointments—Seven L. Finzel, is being appointed o the McHenry County Public Building Commission for term to expire September 1, 2016.

Standing Committee Chairman Updates
Reports from Committee Chairs, if necessary.

Routine Consent Agenda—
Receipt of statutory reports to be placed on file.

Improved Security --Approval is requested for $16,000 expenditure from the Sheriff’s Department budget for installation of improved security at one of the back entrances to the Government Center where employees enter the building. Generally they enter without security screening and the installation of a security turnstile will improve the security at the Government Center. The reason for this is that the entrance is not staffed and there is a potential for unauthorized individuals to enter the building.

Solid Waste Inspection Grant --The County is being awarded a state grant of $41,622.80 from the Illinois Environment Protection Agency. The funding will assist in supporting the McHenry County Department of Health’s solid waste inspection effort

Workforce Network Grants --Seven items regarding the County Workforce Network are being presented for approval, including acceptance of modification to grants and providing for added funding.

Waterproofing Treasurer’s Building--Several contracts are being presented to the Board for approval regarding the waterproofing of the Treasurer’s Office Building, a former bank building located on the southeast corner of Russell Court and North Seminary Avenue, (Route 47). The total amount for this, including removal and installation of vacuum tube stations and removal and reinstallation of the ATM machine, as well as necessary landscaping for a total cost of $102,462.

Traffic Count Services --The Board is being asked to approve an engineering services agreement for traffic counts in the amount of $49,118.64.

Lawrence Road Bridge Project—
The Board is being requested to approve a right-of-way negotiation services agreement for the Lawrence Road Bridge Project. The bridge is being replaced since the existing structure is deficient. The cost is not expected to exceed $20,000 for the necessary appraisal and negotiation services.

Highway Adoptions—St. Mary’s Mens Club of Woodstock is requesting approval to be included in the Adopt-A-Highway Program. They plan to keep Alden Road from Nelson Road to St. Patrick Road clean of trash discarded by uncaring motorists.

7:00 p.m. – Planning and Public Relations Committees of Crystal Lake Library Board
Meeting in the Library Director’s Office of the Crystal Lake Library.

7:30 p.m. –Crystal Lake City Council ,
Meeting in the Council Chambers, 100 West Woodstock Street, Crystal Lake

Chamber of Commerce Week --The first piece of business is a proclamation for Chamber of Commerce Week. The Chamber has requested that Mayor Shepley proclaim September 12 through September 16 a Chamber of Commerce Week.

Temporary Liquor License  Request—from Knights of Columbus will be considered.

County Zoning Request for 4605 N. Oak Street—The property is located in the unincorporated area of Crystal Lake. The owners, Andrew Myers and Jennifer Kaminski, are requesting a conditional use permit for this five-acre parcel under the County Zoning Ordinance. The intent is for the operation of a landscaping and snow-plowing business which involves the storage of commercial equipment and vehicles outdoors. They also desire to maintain their existing driveway width of 16 feet instead of meeting the County’s requirement of 24 feet.

The property is not located within in the Crystal Lake Watershed and commercial enterprise is located to the south of the property as well as farther northwest along Hillside Road. The Council is requested to provide a majority vote.

Rakow Road Construction –The road construction is taking a toll on Rakow Road businesses that rely on access to this road. The project is expected to be completed by the Fall of 2012, a year from now. Businesses along this Road are seeking assistance in maintaining their business.

A number of possible helps in the way of temporary signage for the duration of the project to direct motorists on how to gain access to the Crossroads shopping center. Other ideas are to use of banners of various sizes within a limited size and number; use of a limited number of off-property signs; use of tents for special events or savings promotions. All would require working with City staff to obtain necessary permits (no fees) and to obtain the best location for the desired objectives.

Coordination with the County is also underway and a County Highway Department staff member is to be present at the Council meeting to answer questions.

Turtle Wax, 161 Liberty Road—Some changes are taking place at Turtle Wax, such as changes to the site plan, elevation and signage. A request is being made to allow some remodeling of the existing car wash which was granted a Special Use Permit in 1997.

Plans for remodeling are designed to provide more services as well as change some of the exterior signage. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the requests with a few revisions. The final approval is up to the City Council

Signature Auto Group—1095 Pingree Road is requesting a land use variation to allow an auto showroom within a Manufacturing zoning district.

The petitioner told the Zoning Board of Appeals when appearing before that group, that sales of the vehicle were over the telephone. So there would be very little on-site traffic.
The Council is requested to approve the request with the added stipulation that the point of sale for all sales for this business is to be noted as Crystal Lake. This adds to the sales tax revenue.

Ahmed-935 Hawthorne Drive—The petitioner is seeking the location of an above ground pool to be located in a corner side setback as close as 15 feet from the property line along Colony Drive, which is not allowed under the requirements of the UDO.

The pool and additional fence panels are already installed without a permit.

Concerns were expressed by the Planning and Zoning Commission, with the opinion that the hardship had been created by the petitioner. Therefore there was no finding for granting a variation and the Commission voted 7-1 to recommend denial of the request.

A super majority vote (5 votes) is required to overturn the Commission’s recommendation for denial.

Sanitary Sewer Joint Grouting Services—This sounds like a routine maintenance item. However, it actually is a project designed to eliminate documented sources of heavy inflow and infiltration (I&I) to the City’s wastewater treatment plants during heavy rain events. By grouting critical sections of sewer, the volume of I&I within the sanitary sewer system will be reduced. This ultimately reduces the operating costs and restores capacity to the collections system and wastewater plant. The calculated cost is $29,184 for the desired area, Pine Street and Virginia Street for a total of 1,426 feet.

A favorable bid of $48 per joint was received and may allow for other than the two areas listed to be grouted at the same unit price.

Silica Sand Bid—This is used for sand filters for the rehabilitation of the Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 3. These filters are used to remove any small particulate matter that may have passed through the secondary clarifiers. The current filters have been in place since 1994 and have treated over 4.3 billion gallons of wastewater.

Now the sand is at the end of its useful life and is no longer efficient. Replacing the sand filter is expected to allow for operation of the facility for another 15 to 20 years. It is expected t require 2,500 bags of sand to complete the replacement.

Curbside Refuse, Recycling and Yard Waste Collection—A contract with MDC Environmental was originally approved in 2003 and extended in December2007 and now is being extended to April 30, 2015, as allowed under the original contract.

The City has been considering a leaf pick-up program. Currently City staff conducts the pick-up of bagged leaves throughout the City. It was decided to outsource the service. Only one bidder, Waste Management, submitted a bid ranging in prices from $50,700 for Fall 2011 to $56.212 for Fall 2014.

Waste Management did not submit a leaf collection bid. Instead the company submitted a proposal to incorporate the leaf pick-up program into the City’s existing contract at no increase in price for a three-year extension of its contract. The price increase for the overall “bundle” of services for the three-year extension would be the same as the existing contract.

Currently through April 2015 the rate increases 4% per year for regular service and 3% per year for senior citizens. During the extension years the rate would also increase the same as listed above.

This provides for stable pricing and favorable rates. MDC agreed not to incorporate fuel surcharge provisions in the contract. This shields residents from rising fuel and wage costs common to the waste collection industry.

City Staff is requesting approval of the proposed contract by the Council

Alexander Commuter Parking Lot—An area formerly known as Ice Railway spur track.  An agreement was entered into in 1988 authorizing Metra to construct a commuter parking lot on property owned by the City and now referred to as the Alexander commuter parking lot. The City agreed to operate and maintain the parking lot as a commuter facility. That agreement has expired and a renewal agreement is being presented to the Council for approval.

Crystal Lake Centennial—The City will celebrate its centennial anniversary of incorporation in 2014. Plans have begun for developing parameters for the creation of a Centennial Committee. This group would be responsible for planning and recommending events in the City to celebrate the City’s first 100 years.

The City Council is being requested to approve a resolution creating a centennial Committee to plan and recommend events for a Centennial Celebration. It is planned that this committee would meet on the Fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. to plan the overall structure, fundraising ideas and efforts, and event/celebration ideas. This committee would expire on the completion of the final Centennial event.

Championship Signs—The  Council is being requested to authorize that a sign be placed in the City right-of-way recognizing Crystal Lake Central High School students Joey Kielbasa, Trevor Jauch, Gage Harrah, and Austin Marsden for placing first in the 2011 IHSA State Wrestling Tournament and Prairie Ridge High School student Jenny Covers for winning the 2011 IHSA All-Around Gymnastics title.

Three Oaks Recreation Area Contract Amendment No. 12—
During the summer construction of Three Oaks Recreation Area (TORA) has been completed with an added $41,275 for a contract amendment. This also included some credits for damage caused by one of the contractors and the use of a different product for seeding.

7:00 p.m. –Crystal Lake Library Board—A joint meeting of Planning and Public Relations Committees of the Crystal Lake Library Board of Trustees will be meeting in the Library Director’s Office of the Library.

Watershed Protection Plan

Join the next Green Drinks gathering at Duke’s Alehouse & Kitchen, 110 N Main Street in Crystal Lake, on Wednesday, September 7th from 5:00-7:00 pm to learn more about how community members in southeastern McHenry County have been working together to help protect water quality in lakes, streams, and wetlands, and protect both the quality and quantity of groundwater resources needed for drinking water supply.  This collaboration is part of an initiative to develop a watershed action plan for the Silver Creek and Sleepy Hollow Creek watersheds. 

A watershed is an area of land that drains water into a common place, like a stream. Watershed planning is a collaborative, community supported approach to protecting water quality and watershed health.  Lynn Rotunno, Watershed Coordinator for the Environmental Defenders of McHenry County, will discuss how this planning effort is providing an opportunity for community members from multiple jurisdictions to share information and work together to address common water resource challenges in ways that more closely match the flow of water.

“Over 120 community members from across the watersheds are participating in this planning effort to help develop a watershed plan with strong community input,” said Defenders’ Watershed Coordinator Lynn Rotunno.

In addition to protecting water quality and quantity, watershed planning can identify ways to help restore aquatic habitat and other natural resources, prevent flooding in communities, and address other water resource-related concerns important to communities. The watershed action plan will include planning goals and specific project recommendations to protect water quality and watershed health. Projects identified in the plan can become eligible for state and federal funding to help local groups and individuals implement those projects.

Communities within the watersheds include Oakwood Hills, Prairie Grove, and portions of Bull Valley, Cary, Crystal Lake, McHenry, and nearby areas of unincorporated McHenry County. The Silver Creek and Sleepy Hollow Creek watersheds are home to significant resources, including five dedicated Illinois Nature Preserves, rich farmland, several parks and preserves, and lakes enjoyed by community members as a source of recreation. Both the Silver Creek and Sleepy Hollow Creek watersheds drain to the Fox River. Working to protect these watersheds will support local communities and help restore Fox River water quality and wildlife habitat.

Planning meetings are being held in the watersheds through December of 2011 and are coordinated by The Environmental Defenders of McHenry County and the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning. All meetings are open to the public. For more information, visit, send an e-mail to, or call the Defenders office at 815-338-0393.

These planning projects are funded by Section 604(b) of the Clean Water Act by way of a grant from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Bureau of Water, to the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP). Watershed planning oversight is the responsibility of CMAP. Planning Partners include the Environmental Defenders of McHenry County, Fox River Ecosystem Partnership, and the Fox River Study Group.

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Free Rules of Road Refresher Course

Secretary of State Jesse White, in cooperation with Grafton Township, is offering a Rules of the Road Review Course for all citizens in the Huntley area.  The course is free to anyone who wishes to attend.

Date:   September 9, 2011
             December 2, 2011

Time:   1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Location -- Grafton Township, 10109 Vine Street, Huntley, 60142

The purpose of the course is to help participants pass the Illinois driver’s license renewal examination.  The course prepares applicants for the general written and road examinations, and also provides information on the vision screening.  Donations of frozen or non-perishable food items for the Food Pantry at Grafton Township would be greatly appreciated.

Pre-Registration Number:  847-669-3328(Supervisor Moore’s Office)

Words of Wisdom

"In selecting men for office, let principle be your guide. Regard not the particular sect or denomination of the candidate -- look to his character...

" --Noah Webster, Letters to a Young Gentleman Commencing His Education, 1789

Sunday, September 4, 2011


United Parcel Service– UPS 16:00 EDT 9-4-2011
National Geographic – 16:04 EDT 9-4-2011
UKRegister -15:58 EDT 8-4-2011

A hacker group calling itself TurkGuveling has declared September 4, 2011 World Hacker Day

The extent of the cyber attack has not been determined as reports of other downed sites continue.

Attacks appear to be DNS redirections.