Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Monthly Business Networking Set Friday

A monthly breakfast series "Start@Shah" is held on the third Friday of each month. The time is 7:30 to 9:00 am and the location is the Shah Center, 4100 W. Shamrock Lane, McHenry.

The series focus is on issues relevant for today's leaders. The July 16 topic, “Networking for Enhanced Collaboration” will highlight how today’s jobs are more complex and demanding, which increases the need for information and expertise from diverse contacts across and outside the organization. This Developmental Dimensions International (DDI) overview demonstrates how building business networks and enhancing collaboration across the organization contributes to a company’s success.

All are welcome to join the Shah Center team for an hour of insightful and interactive training, great networking opportunities and a hearty breakfast. Cost for each event is $35. Register using course ID: NTL S91 001. Future topics include: Accountability that Works and Living and Working in a Networked, Always-On and Virtual World.

For more information, or to register, contact: the Shah Center at (815) 455-8593 or email or visit the website

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