Monday, December 10, 2012

The Last Word

Note: We could not help but want to share this—found on “The Patriot Post”

"[I]n a republic governed by 'we, the people,' when the President of the United States wishes to watch a film, there are two full-time movie projectionists who live at the White House and are on call round the clock, in case he's overcome by a sudden urge to watch Esther Williams in 'Dangerous When Wet' (1953) at two in the morning. ... In his recent book 'Presidential Perks Gone Royal,' Robert Keith Gray, a former Eisenhower staffer, revealed that last year the U.S. presidency cost American taxpayers $1.4 billion. Over the same period, the entire Royal Family cost British taxpayers about $57 million. There's nothing 'royal' about the current level of 'presidential perks': the Obama family costs taxpayers more than every European royal house put together. In the American republic, even the dogs cost more. ... In contrast to the stingy remuneration offered by the Royal Household, the presidential dog-walker is one of 226 White House staff earning over $100,000 a year. For many centuries, the King had a courtier whose somewhat intimate duties were reflected in his title: the Groom of the Stool, a position abolished in 1559. Now, after two and a third centuries, the American Presidency has evolved to the point that it has a full-time six-figure Groom of the Canine Stool. Will he be accompanying the President on Air Force One to liaise with the Keeper of the Privy Flatscreen over screenings of 'Lassie'?" --columnist Mark Steyn

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