Saturday, September 29, 2012

Pottery Demonstration Conference At MCC

A two-day pottery demonstration conference will take place at McHenry County College (MCC) from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Oct. 12 and 13 in the Luecht Conference Center at MCC, 8900 U.S. Hwy. 14 in Crystal Lake

The pottery demonstration will feature Emily Reason, a full time potter in her Marshall, North Carolina studio, who exhibits her work and teaches pottery workshops throughout the country. She creates wheel-thrown functional work, using porcelain, carving techniques and a gas reduction firing process. She is the author of “Ceramics for Beginners: Wheel Throwing.”

Reason will demonstrate her process of throwing, trimming, carving, brush-working and embellishing her pieces. She will share tips for working with porcelain and explain how she makes decisions about form and surface in her work. As a group, attendees will discuss motivation for making pottery, from inspiration to making a living as a potter.

Cost is $125 for both days and $115 for MCC students and Clayworkers’ Guild members; $70 for one day only and $65 for MCC students and Clayworkers’ Guild members. The fee includes continental breakfast and lunch. A $25 fee will be added for registering at the door.

To register with a credit card, call the MCC Registration Office at (815) 455-8588. Continuing Professional Development Units (CPDUs) will be available. For more information, email or call Amy Carzoli at (815) 455-8764 or Kristine Emrich at (815) 479-7570. Information is also available at

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