Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Crystal Lake Electric Aggregation Program Explained

The City of Crystal Lake has accepted a bid from FirstEnergy Solutions to provide electricity supply for the City’s electric aggregation program. The City secured a price of 4.69 cents per kilowatt hour compared to ComEd’s May 2012 residential supply rate of 8.5 (*1) cents per kilowatt hour. FirstEnergy Solutions’ price represents a 45% savings for residential customers over ComEd’s current rates for electricity supply. For an average residential home (*2) , the estimated annual savings is $338. This rate, anticipated to take effect in late summer, is guaranteed for two years.

*1 - The current ComEd Basic Electric Service Rate in effect from May 31, 2012 through October 1, 2012, including the Purchased Electricity Supply Charge, Transmission Services Charge and the May 2012 Purchased Electricity Adjustment Charge.

*2 - Assuming an annual usage of 9,000 kWh.

Highlights of the agreement with FirstEnergy Solutions include: 

1. No early termination fee – Anytime during the two-year term of the agreement, individual residents can opt-out of this agreement without an early termination fee. 

2. ComEd rate match - If the ComEd rate were to drop below FirstEnergy Solutions’ price anytime during the period of the agreement, FirstEnergy Solutions will either match ComEd’s rate or move everyone back to ComEd.
3. FirstEnergy Solutions offers an individual residential option for renewable energy. Individual residents interested in securing a renewable energy option can contact FirstEnergy Solutions directly and, for an extra fee, opt for the renewable energy option.
4. FirstEnergy Solutions maintains a U.S.-based call center.

The City’s aggregation program is an opt-out program, as approved by the electors during the March 20, 2012 referendum. ELIGIBLE CUSTOMERS WILL BECOME PART OF THE CITY’S PROGRAM AUTOMATICALLY – no action is required unless an eligible customer desires to opt-out. Residents who have individual contracts with another supplier would be required to opt-in to the City program if they are interested. Some supplier contracts have early termination fees, so check with your supplier before opting in to the City’s program. Individuals already served by FirstEnergy Solutions will receive information from FirstEnergy Solutions on their ability to switch to the aggregation program’s favorable electric rate.

You may receive solicitations from other retail electric suppliers to switch your electricity supply. THESE SOLICITATIONS ARE NOT RELATED TO THE CITY’S ELECTRIC AGGREGATION PROGRAM. Unless you chose to opt-out, are on real time hourly pricing, or you are being served by another supplier, you are enrolled in the City’s program. If you receive a solicitation, you should not provide your ComEd account number. If you provide your ComEd account number, you may be unintentionally switched to another supplier and be removed from the City’s electric aggregation program.

More information regarding the City’s Electrical Aggregation Program can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions below.

Electrical Aggregation - FAQ

In March, Crystal Lake voters approved a referendum authorizing the City to seek lower electricity rates for eligible residential and small business customers. After the referendum passed, the City, through a competitive bid process, selected FirstEnergy Solutions to supply electricity for the Crystal Lake Electric Aggregation Program. All eligible residents and small businesses will be enrolled in the program unless they choose to opt-out.

1. How do I enroll?

As an eligible residential or small business customer, you will be automatically enrolled in the program unless you choose to opt-out.

2. How do I opt-out
To opt-out, return the postcard you will receive in the mail or contact FirstEnergy Solutions at 866-636-3749. All opt-out notifications must be received by the end of the opt-out period stated in the opt-out letter.

3. What if I decide to opt-out?

You can leave the program at any time. No early termination fee will apply if service is ended prior to the end of the term.

4. Does it cost to enroll?

No, there are no enrollment or switching fees.

5. Are the rates fixed or variable?

The rates are fixed for a period of two years.

6. Is there a renewable energy option?

Yes. FirstEnergy Solutions offers an individual residential option for renewable energy for an increased cost. Individual residents interested in securing a renewable energy option can contact FirstEnergy Solutions directly at 866-636-3749 to opt for the renewable energy option.

7. When will I begin to see savings?

Customers can expect to receive savings on their August 2012 or September 2012 bill, depending on the enrollment date.

8. Who will bill me for electricity?

You will continue to receive one monthly bill from ComEd.

9. Can I still have my payment automatically deducted from my checking account as I do now?
Yes. How you pay your electric bill will not change.

10. Can I stay on budget billing?

Yes. Your budget billing will not be affected by your participation in this program.

11. Who is responsible for delivery of power to my home or business?
ComEd will continue to deliver your electricity and will be responsible for maintaining the system that delivers power to your home or business.

12. Who do I call to report a power outage or problems with my electric service?
You will call ComEd at 1-800-Edison-1 (residential) or 1-877-4-ComEd-1 (commercial) to report a power outage or problems with your electric service.

13. What if I have already selected another supplier?
If you have already selected another supplier, ComEd will not enroll your account with FirstEnergy Solutions. You will remain with the supplier you selected.

14. Who is FirstEnergy Solutions?
FirstEnergy Solutions, based in Akron, Ohio, provides competitive energy supply products, solutions and strategies that allow residential, commercial and industrial customers to manage their energy needs.

15. What if I receive other solicitations for electric service?
The only solicitation that customers will receive from the City and FirstEnergy Solutions are the Opt-Out letters and information packets. Anyone one who calls or sends other information claiming to have a partnership or agreement with the City is not legitimate.

There are Illinois Commerce Commission certified suppliers that provide electric service. It is recommended that electric rates be compared, in addition to contract terms and conditions, such as term of the agreement, penalty fees, etc.

16. How can I find out more information?
You may contact FirstEnergy Solutions at 866-636-3749 or visit their
website .

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