Friday, September 23, 2011

First Human Case West Nile Virus This Year For McHenry County

McHenry County Department of Health (MCDH) has confirmed its first human case of West Nile virus (WNV) this year in a 35 year old man from Woodstock who was hospitalized but has since been released.  Human WNV cases were previously reported in McHenry County in 2010 (1), 2007 (5), 2006 (6) and 2005 (3) during the months of August, September and October.  The State Health Department has recorded 10 human cases in 2011, including one recent death, as compared to 61 human cases and 4 deaths in 2010.  Six (6) mosquito batches have tested positive for WNV in McHenry County this year.

Illness from West Nile virus is usually mild and includes fever, headache and body aches but serious illnesses, such as encephalitis, meningitis and death, are possible.  Illness can occur 3-15 days after an infected mosquito bite.  The disease can affect all ages, but persons 50 and older have the highest risk of severe disease. 

Mosquitoes transmit the virus to humans after feeding on a bird infected with WNV.  Public health officials continue to urge residents to take precautions as the risk of mosquito-borne WNV lasts until the first hard frost.  The most effective way to prevent against becoming infected with WNV is to follow some basic steps:

Limit your time outdoors during peak mosquito biting hours which are from dusk to dawn
When outside (evening and early morning), use repellent and protective clothing such as long-sleeves, long pants and socks.
Spray clothes with repellent containing DEET for extra protection.  Always follow label directions.
Get rid of standing water around your home where mosquitoes will breed (bird baths, old tires, garbage cans, flower pot trays, wheelbarrows).
Have tight-fitting screens on both windows and doors; replace screens with tears.

For more information on WNV, visit (Environmental Health) or call 815-334-4585

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