Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Crystal Lake City Council Meeting This Evening

630 p.m.—Crystal Lake City Council
Meeting in the Council Chambers, 100 Woodstock Street, Crystal Lake, the following items will be considered:

An executive session regarding discussion of matter of pending and probable litigation, the sale, purchase or lease of real property, collective bargaining and personnel. Any or all of these may be discussed.

7:30—City Council  will reconvene for the regular Council meeting.

Following the Pledge of Allegiance, approval of minutes of June 21 meeting, accounts payable, the time for public presentations to the Council the following agenda items include:

Sage YMCA of Metro Chicago, 701 Manor Road, is requesting a Temporary Use Permit for a Special Promotion to allow a 30 foot by 50 foot tent to remain up during summer camp and a request for the waiver of the Temporary Use Permit Application Fee.

A Special use Permit to allow an accessory structure over 600 square feet, to add a 100-square foot deck to a 572-square foot garage is being requested by residents at 811 Dover Court.

An amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance regarding Electronic Message Center Signs is being presented to the Council for approval. Due to the number of requests for these types of signs, the Council referred a proposed UDO Text Amendment regarding them to the Planning and Zoning Commission.

The history on these signs begins prior to 2007, when EMC signs were prohibited except for time and temperature signs.

From June 2007 to July 2009, until the adoption of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), EMCs were permitted, subject to certain restrictions. Seven of them were requested during this period—including 2 gas station pricing signs, 1 free-standing EMC on Route 176 which was denied. Following the adoption of the UDO, EMCs are a prohibited sign type. City Council has reviewed the variation requests for 6 EMCs (including 1 gas station sign), all of which have been approved.

There are several options for the Council to consider: EMCs to remain prohibited requiring a sign variation approved by the City Council, as is the current practice.

A sign variation could be added to the UDO. Any sign variation request would be reviewed by the PZC based on the criteria and the recommendation made to the City Council for a final decision.

EMCs permitted as a Special Use Permit and would be added as a land use to the land use table. The signs would be permitted as a Special Use Permit in certain districts with specific criteria listed in the UDO.

A fourth option would allow EMCs permitted as a limited use in certain districts with specific criteria listed in the UDO. If the criteria cannot be met, then a Special Use Permit would be required. If the proposed sign met the criteria, the permit would be issued.

Award and resolution authorizing execution of a service agreement for the engineering services for the McCormick Water Tower Painting and Maintenance with contingencies up to 10% of the contract price.

A resolution is being presented authorizing execution of an agreement with the Illinois Department of Revenue enabling participation by the Crystal Lake Police Department in the FY 2012 Tobacco Enforcement Program.

A couple matters for discussion only – a private sanitary sewer, and Private Parking vehicle Immobilization

Another resolution is being presented for approval authorizing payment for annual NPDES permit fees and the addition of an equal amount to the Accounts Payable list. As in past years the city plans to pay the fees under protest.

It’s time for the City to pay the annual National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Permit (NPDES) fees. This year’s fees are $48,500, which is the State’s attempt to overcome a huge budget deficit. All holders of the NPDES permits are assessed these fees.

Prior to 2003, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, which has oversight of the NPDES holders operations, did not need to collect annual fees.

The fees are based on the average flows for the facilities. Additionally, the State collects $2,500 per year for the City’s Sludge Generator Land Application permit.

The City’s municipality owned and operated separate storm sewer system is assessed $1,000 annually for this permit.

The City Council has voted to pay the fees under protest since 2003. A total of $389,000 has been paid in NPDES fees since then.

2012 Tobacco Enforcement Program
The Police Chief is again to execute a Contractual Agreement with the Illinois Department of Revenue to enable the Crystal Lake Police Department to participate in the FY 2012 Tobacco Enforcement Program.

This permits the police department to partner with the Illinois Liquor Control Commission to coordinate tobacco enforcement activities, such as “Kids Can’t
Buy ‘Em Here” campaign. Through this campaign the Police Department is able to assist retailers with conformity strategies and initiate activities that promote awareness of compliance with minimum-age tobacco laws.

The Police Department is seeking to continue the relationship with the Department of Revenue as well as resume their own tobacco education and enforcement activities in the community.

Cost Sharing
Private Sanitary Sewer cost sharing discussion is expected to take place by the Council. Although a common sewer system is maintained for all residents and businesses in the City. Private sewer laterals are connected to the common main to benefit each individual parcel. One of these has collapsed and is located approximately 15 feet below Barlina Road.

The Council is expected to discuss the assisting of residents in such a situation and to what monetary expenditure the resident should expect and whether there is a potential source of funding.

Private Parking Vehicle Immobilization
Another matter slated for discussion is private parking vehicle immobilization. Some instances of vehicle mobilization (use of a boot) have been used to render an illegal vehicle immobile rather than tow it. Apparently, the business has been very competitive with the levying of high charges for release of the vehicle.

Although the City considers it important to allow private parking lot owners to set their own standards, some regulations and statutory requirement are necessary to prevent predatory practices.

It may be necessary for the City to adopt an ordinance to incorporate regulations for the immobilization of vehicles on private property. The matter is being presented for Council discussion and action if desired.

Training for Elected Officials
This is for National Incident Management System Training which was published by the Department of Homeland Security in March 2004.The Fire Rescue Chief and Police Chief are to conduct the training for elected officials during the Council meeting.

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