Donated fabrics here and there along with employees gathering after work have resulted in 22 quilts and pillow cases for McHenry County PADS.
These are the results of McHenry County College employees gathering after work which has resulted in a number of benefits. Not only has the group donated the result of their handiwork, quilts, to PADS, the gathering also provides an opportunity for some of the participants to learn quilting and feel comfortable in sewing in general.
The MCC Harmony Committee, the college's employee social committee, gathered materials that possibly would have gone to the landfills. By collecting used strips of batting from Pieceful Gathering, a quilt shop in Fox River Grove, sewing the strips together for one larger piece, they were able to help protect the environment.
Part of the mission of the group was to teach others how to use their machines, learn to quilt, and bind the projects. The end products are providing warmth for children with no belongings who are staying at a shelter with their parents. The children at PADS receive the quilts as a going-away gift when their families transition out of the homeless shelter after they have found permanent homes.
Shown in the photo are MCC employees presenting PADS officials with the fruits of their endeavors and include from left, McHenry County PADS employees, Chris Long, program technician and Matt Kostecki, director; MCC employees Sherry Hodnik and Caroline Sobolak.
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