Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Nice Work If You Can Get It

Recent data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis show that federal government workers get compensation, on average, more than twice as high as private-sector workers.

According to recently released information by the Libertarian Party Chair Mark Hinkle, who calls the numbers appalling, the average private sector worker received $61,051 in 2009 in total compensation. The average federal government worker received $123,049 for the same period.

security. Additionally, the retirement plans are often unfunded pensions, which will have to be paid by taxing today's children and grandchildren who never had the opportunity to vote when the pensions were created.
The reason for the extremely high compensation, as justified by the government employee union representatives, is because they are more educated and skilled than the rest of us. That is a statement that may be refuted by some who have had dealings with federal employees.

"The problem is that federal worker compensation is not set by the free market -- it's set by government fiat, which causes it to be artificially generous," says Hinkle. He also points to another factor which is the monopoly government employee unions, which are able to extort that compensation up to even higher levels.

"Libertarians support minimum government and maximum freedom. Unfortunately, federal employees have incentives to make government bigger, which makes us less free." claims Hinkle.

The LP is America's third-largest political party, founded in 1971. The Libertarian Party stands for free markets and civil liberties. You can find more information on the Libertarian Party at our website.

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