Thursday, March 8, 2012

Texas Politicians Involved In Illinois Election

A liberal Super PAC from Texas is following the lead of Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) in trying to distort the much more superior conservative voting record of Congressman Don Manzullo (R-IL).

In fact, a misleading absentee ballot scheme launched by the Super PAC against Manzullo this week prompted the Winnebago County Clerk to issue a press statement late Wednesday clarifying the absentee voting process and distancing herself from the Super PAC.

The Super PAC, named the Campaign for Primary Accountability, is funded primarily by three multi-millionaires from out of state and most recently spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in support of ultra-liberal Congressman Dennis Kucinich, a former Democratic Presidential contender, in his losing primary race. The liberal Super PAC has been helping Kinzinger by trying to tear down Manzullo's strong conservative voting record through misleading mailers, emails, and robocalls. It was just 10 days ago that Kinzinger got caught twisting the words of a Rockford newspaper columnist to distort Manzullo's record.

Winnebago County Clerk Margie M. Mullins issued the following press statement late Wednesday after receiving numerous calls from voters confused about the source of absentee ballots they received from the Super PAC, along with materials erroneously attacking Manzullo's record. "The application is being mailed, along with a partisan political piece, a stamp and a pre-addressed envelope returnable to me as Winnebago County Clerk. None of these materials were prepared by or originated in my office. They appear to be sent by the Campaign for Primary Accountability PAC in Houston, Texas. The office of the County Clerk and the City Election Board of Commissioners does not send partisan election materials to voters, nor does it endorse any political candidate or political party," Mullins said.

Manzullo has also received numerous contacts from constituents outraged by the Super PAC's shady tactics and the attempts of this outside group of multi-millionaires to influence the local election on Kinzinger's behalf.

"The people of northern Illinois have been calling us in outrage that this liberal Super PAC from Texas is using the bankrolls of three multi-millionaires from out of state to distort my superior conservative voting record. You can't get a 96 percent lifetime rating from the American Conservative Union as I have if you spend recklessly as this shady Super PAC suggests," Manzullo said. "But I can understand why this liberal Super PAC would want to have my opponent in office rather than me, as I am without doubt the only candidate in this race serious about cutting spending, balancing the budget, and paying down the national debt."

The Super PAC and Kinzinger have both been mounting campaigns of distortion against Manzullo in an effort to convince voters that Manzullo's superior conservative voting record is somehow a mirage. Here are the facts:

Manzullo voted last year 79 more times than Kinzinger to cut $209 billion more in spending than Kinzinger in 2011. In addition, Manzullo voted for the only budget alternative that would have cut $9.1 trillion in spending and balanced the budget within 10 years. Kinzinger voted against the bill.
Manzullo has received much higher conservative ratings than Kinzinger from national organizations that studied 2011 votes, including:
  • American Conservative Union lifetime scores: Manzullo 96 (#1 in Illinois), Kinzinger 72.
  • Club for Growth: Manzullo 85, Kinzinger 56.
  • Heritage Action for America: Manzullo 84, Kinzinger 63.
  • Americans for Prosperity: Manzullo A+, Kinzinger B.
  • National Journal (conservative composite score): Manzullo 74, Kinzinger 58.
Manzullo has been endorsed by every conservative organization that has given an endorsement in the race, including:
  • Illinois Tea Party
  • RedState Editor and CNN political contributor Erick Erickson
  • Family-PAC federal
  • Eagle Forum of Illinois
  • Illinois Federation for Right to Life PAC
  • Illinois Citizens for Life federal PAC
  • Illinois Conservatives (4,000 conservatives across Illinois under 35 years old)
  • The Madison Project (national pro-life, pro-family group) 
Editors Note: It appears that this is what happens when redistricting takes place on a partisan basis.

1 comment:

TracyD said...

As a co-coordinator of the Rockford Tea Party in northern Illinois, I'm shocked and dismayed at your ardent endorsement of Adam Kinzinger, putting him forth as the conservative candidate. Kinzinger and his supporting superPacs have engaged in a dishonest campaign of distortion and derision against one of the most highly-rated conservatives in congress, Don Manzullo. Mr. Manzullo has fought hard for 20 years to improve conditions for manufacturers and small businesses, for lower taxes and fiscal responsibility in government. Manzullo has had the lion's share of his support base cut from underneath him in a devastating Democrat redistricting. Kinzinger remains largely unaffected, as the bulk of his support comes from criminally corrupt Chicago, and an anti-incumbent superpac in Texas. Kinzinger's unfair and distorted attack ads are relentless and deeply disturbing to those of us who actually know his record and Manzullo's (by far more conservative!) Kinzinger has even been roundly criticized in the Rockford Register Star for taking their opinion columnist's words out of context! SHAME ON YOU for meddling in what is a very personal fight for conservatism here in Illinois, and for definitely cheerleading for the LESSER conservative. If you can't get the record right, please stay out of it. You are no longer a conservative in my eyes and I question your motives as much as I question Mr. Kinzinger's integrity.