Tuesday, March 6, 2012

First Amendment Rights?

The U.S. House and Senate have both recently passed bills that place crushing new restrictions on the First Amendment rights of all Americans.

This legislation puts new limitations in place that charge protesters with federal crimes if they protest on federal grounds, at any location in which someone protected by the Secret Service (the President, a former President, a Presidential candidate, or any number of domestic or international figures), or at any location sanctioned as being of "national significance" -- including the Democratic and Republican conventions and even Super Bowl XXXVI.

H.R. 347 and S.B. 1794 *severely* limit the ability of Americans to exercise their First Amendment rights to speech and assembly -- and destroy the long tradition of American protest. We are calling on President Obama to veto this legislation, and to stand up for those who wish to participate in the political process in deep and powerful ways.

You can see an overview of the legislation here -- 
http://rt.com/usa/news/348-act-tresspass-buildings-437 -- 

And you can see the text of the House or the Senate bills by searching Thomas here: http://thomas.loc.gov/home/Browse.php?n=bills&c=112.


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