Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Supreme Court vs. American People

The Supreme Court seems to have a completely different vision of democracy than the American people.
Over the last four years, millions of Americans have stood up to protest the corrosive power of big money on our elections, which was made worse by the Court’s Citizens United decision and its onrush of Super PACs and mega-donors.
Today, the Supreme Court doubled down on that wrong-headed decision, and by a narrow 5-4 decision, struck down federal contribution limits to allow even more big money into our democracy.
We can’t stand for this. These decisions have to be overturned if we want to restore democratic power to the people. That’s why we’re fully committed to organize, organize, organize, until we have the people power necessary to overturn Citizens United through a constitutional amendment.
In the last presidential election, we watched a handful of mega-donors outspend huge swaths of the American public. We project that from now through the 2020 election, this new decision will bring an additional $1 billion into our elections from no more than 2,800 mega-donors.
When such a small number of people can tip the scales and make sure they are heard over the rest of our country, we are clearly not working with a level playing field. This means your voice is being drowned out.
With the highest Court bent on gutting campaign finance laws, you know this is not a fight we will win overnight, but it’s also important to know that there are solutions available that we can work to implement now.
Illinois PIRG is committed to this fight for the long haul. With your support we will work toward immediate repair and long term fights to fully fix this broken system. Right now we are working to implement a small donor empowerment program to amplify the voices of average Americans. At the same time, we are working to amend the Constitution to make sure we can put limits on big money and fundamentally restore political equality for all Americans.

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