Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Cost Of Immigration In USA

More than a quarter of the $1 trillion spent on welfare in the United States goes directly to the households of immigrants.  And two out of three jobs created in the last four years went to immigrants

Those are jobs that would lift Americans out of poverty, and reduce welfare spending still more.  Instead, just last month, the unemployment rate among black Americans rose to 14 percent.

The problem isn't only illegal immigration: Most legal immigrants use at least one welfare program.  The problem is simply too much immigration.  In fact, while many illegal immigrants have gone home since the start of the recession, the number of legal immigrants in America continues to explode.

Some immigration makes sense.  But such massive levels of immigration are keeping Americans trapped in poverty. And they're exploding the federal deficit, not to mention busting Illinois's own budget!

This comes from a group asking for help get the message to Senators Kirk and Durbin to stop importing poverty.
Numbers USA is seeking help in sending fax regarding too much immigration
Here is the site:

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