Wednesday, March 9, 2011

High School District 155 Considers Partial Air Conditioning For Two Buildings

High School District 155 Board discussed the feasibility of air conditioning portions of two of its four campus buildings at a meeting of the Board Tuesday evening. Cary-Grove and Crystal Lake Central High Schools have only limited air conditioned areas. . The other two buildings, Crystal Lake South and Prairie Ridge, have air conditioning which was installed at the time they were constructed.

A portion of Crystal Lake Central High School is air conditioned in areas including the auditorium and business offices. Cary-Grove also has some of the area air conditioned. The largest concern is that classrooms be air conditioned.

The Board met Tuesday evening with FGM Architects, Oak Brook, to obtain an idea of what can be accomplished and the possible costs connected with the project. A great deal depends upon the areas to be cooled, what system is already in place and when the work is done. Another consideration is whether to work on both buildings at the same time, or breaking the project into segments.  

The Board is not seeking to air condition the entire buildings, eliminating such as gymnasium and possibly hallways. It was also noted that the air conditioning would be needed for about six weeks of the year.  However, the Board expressed the idea that the buildings could also be utilized more with the added air conditioning, including possible rentals to outside groups during summer vacation time.

FGM is to provide a more definitive proposal at Tuesday's regular Board meeting.

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