Thursday, September 5, 2013

Homeless Bill of Rights Signed Into Illinois Law

A new law creating a “Homeless Bill of Rights” was signed Aug. 22, making Illinois one of the first states to enact a Bill of Rights for the homeless.
The measure establishes that a person’s rights, privileges or access to public services cannot be denied or altered solely because of his or her homeless status.
Senate Bill 1210, supported by State Sen.Pamela Althoff (R-McHenry). in the Senate, protects an individual’s right to maintain gainful employment, access emergency medical care; protects their right to the privacy of personal property, records and information; and protects their right to vote on the same basis as other people. If someone believes that their rights have been violated because of their homeless status, Senate Bill 1210 allows that person to take legal action and pursue damages.
Previously, Rhode Island was the only state in the nation with a law granting legal protections for homeless.

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