Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Political Scene - State Representative 52nd District

The Illinois State Board of Elections has unanimously dismissed David McSweeney’s objection to the nominating petitions of Kent Gaffney, one of three Republican candidates for State Representative in the 52nd House District.

State Representative Kent Gaffney (R-Lake Barrington) is pleased with the Board’s decision to dismiss McSweeney’s objection, which will allow Gaffney to remain on the Republican ballot for the March Primary Election. This is the second time this month that a McSweeney objection has been overruled by the Board, which previously dismissed his objection to Danielle Rowe’s petitions.

Representative Gaffney issued the following statement in reaction to the Board’s decision:
 “David McSweeney engaged in a campaign of intimidation and harassment in a ridiculous attempt to knock his opponents off the ballot. McSweeney planned to clear the field for himself by filing frivolous petition challenges against Danielle Rowe and myself. He spent tens of thousands of dollars on lawyers and private investigators in an attempt to push us out of the race for State Representative.

“In his objection to my petitions, David McSweeney made a number of outrageous and baseless claims against my campaign. McSweeney’s reckless, false charges have been dismissed by the State Board of Elections. He has failed in his desperate attempt to remove me from the ballot.

“David McSweeney abused the objection process in order to smear my name and harass my campaign supporters. I believe the voters will reject his dirty smear campaign.

“Now that the State Board of Elections has dismissed McSweeney’s untrue accusations, I demand an immediate public apology from David McSweeney. He should apologize to the voters for intentionally misleading them. He should apologize to me and to the individuals he smeared with his lies.

“I urge David McSweeney to withdraw from the race for State Representative. He has disgraced himself with shameful, untrue accusations against my campaign. The right and honorable action would be for David McSweeney to apologize for his lies and then withdraw from this race.

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