Friday, September 9, 2011

McHenry County Transportation Demands Explode

Over the last twenty years, transportation demand in McHenry County has exploded. With the population increasing over 68% since 1990, more and more people are using the County’s roads, trains, buses, and sidewalks. However, McHenry County’s transportation infrastructure has not been able to keep up with the increased demand, which is partially due to the rapid rate of growth. There are needs to increase capacity for all modes and users of the County’s transportation system.

In order to identify and address McHenry County’s future transportation needs, the McHenry County Division of Transportation (MCDOT) recently began work on the County’s 2040 Long-Range Transportation Plan.  The Plan will provide a blueprint for all future transportation decisions, including future infrastructure projects, prioritizing what and when projects are built, maintaining the existing transportation system, and expanding the options that residents have to get to their destinations.  The public involvement process for this work is funded in part with federal Unified Work Program funds awarded by the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning.  Needed transit systems analysis and planning is funded in part with Subregional Planning funds awarded by the Regional Transportation Authority.

As part of this effort, the MCDOT is currently holding a series of “pop-up” meetings across the County.  The purpose of a pop-up meeting is to build awareness among the County’s stakeholders about the project and to obtain general input on how they would like to see transportation improved in the County.   Participants at each pop-up meeting were asked how they would spend money on transportation in McHenry County and to provide staff with their one big idea for improving transportation in the area.  Pop-up meetings were held at the McHenry County Fair, the Crystal Lake and Algonquin Farmers Markets, the Hearthstone Centegra Senior Fair, the McHenry County College, and an event hosted by the McHenry County Economic Development Corporation.  Additional meetings are planned for September and October.

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