Friday, October 8, 2010

Crystal Lake Park Board Learns Details of West End Aquatic Vegetation Management

The Annual Crystal Lake Meeting took place Thursday evening. This is a time when Hey and Associates provides an annual report on the "State of The Lake."  This year the topic of "West End Aquatic Vegetation Management" was added. This was due to the problems experienced with weeds growing in the west end of the lake, making it difficult for boats to enter into the larger body of the lake from the shoreline.

In order to handle the situation, dredging could be accomplished to provide "pathways" to get to the main body of water. The cost of this could be $1.2 to $1.3 million. It was also noted that it could take up to two years to obtain the needed permit from State and Federal government in order to accomplish the project.

It is something the Park District Board will be discussing further.

On a brighter side, it was found that the reason for the numerous Main Beach closings by the McHenry County Department of Health this past summer resulted from sea gulls, not human or geese waste. The problem facing the District Board now is, how and if the problem can be eliminated.

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