Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Annual Lake Meeting Combined With Crystal Lake Board Meeting

The Crystal Lake Park District Board of Commissioners will combine the Annual Lake Meeting with the regular board meeting on Thursday October 7 beginning at 7:30 p.m. The location is the Offices of the Park District, One East Crystal Lake Avenue.

The Annual Lake Meeting will feature a report by Hey and Associates and will include information on the state of the lake, water quality, pollutant load budget, hydrology, aquatic macrophytes, fishery, and invasive species status.

Also being address are the beach closings and bacteria along with a special presentation on the West End weeds and dredging.

There will also be time for questions and answers.

Other matters on the agenda for the meeting include the Lippold Park Flood study update and an intergovernmental agreement between the Park District and the Village of Lakewood for the transfer of property.  This is a transfer of what is known as the triangle and is being transferred to Lakewood to augment their plans for a bike trail.

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