Friday, October 31, 2014

On-line Petition Opposing Senate Bill Which Strips State Funding From Schools

State Representative Barbara Wheeler (R-Crystal Lake) has posted an on-line petition in opposition of Senate Bill 16, a bill that would strip millions away from hundreds of Illinois school districts and channel the money toward other schools.
The petition is available on Wheeler’s legislative web site at and citizens from across the state are encouraged to sign it.
SB16 is a massive rewrite of the school funding formula that determines how General State Aid (GSA) is distributed to Illinois’ school districts. It does not add any additional funding toward education.  As written and approved in the Senate, the bill uses a weighted formula that is punitive to most suburban school districts.
“Most of my school districts will lose between 70%-86% of their State funding if Senate Bill 16 is passed and signed into law,” said Wheeler. “This bill does not solve funding inequities in Illinois. It’s just an unfair redistribution of funds with every one of my school districts losing large amounts of money.”
Wheeler is a Chief Co-Sponsor of House Resolution 1276, a measure that denounces SB16 and encourages a comprehensive and fair funding reform process that is inclusive of all stakeholder points of view. “SB16 is not the answer to education funding reform,” said Wheeler. “Funding for education is a very serious issue and the ultimate reforms should not create winners and losers, but rather create a system where all kids can be winners.”

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