Saturday, January 4, 2014

Clearing The Political Air

Town Crier would like to give assurances we are not supporting anyone for the McHenry County Sheriff's position. We feel that should be the choice of the voters. The Town Crier publisher has been reporting on elections since the mid-1960’s in McHenry County in print and radio. Also reported on elections in State College, PA, for the professional Public Radio Station at Penn State during a period between 1988 and 199
Republican candidate for Sheriff Bill Prim authorized the release of this letter to the Editor of the Northwest Herald.
December 31, 2013
Dear Sir:
Your story (“Andrew Zinke rejects debate with Bill Prim in sheriff’s race”) first published online yesterday, does a disservice to your readers with respect to the facts.  I would like to clear up the record:
1. Whatever Mr. Zinke later told your reporter, the fact is that he either committed to a debate under the auspices of Patriots United, or else he left the leaders of that organization with the distinct impression that he had.  That is not my judgment, but comes directly from the public statement by Patriots United.
2. Messrs. Rabine and Kelly have been publicly supporting my candidacy for more than a year, and I am proud to have their support.  Mr. Zinke must have known that at the time he agreed to a debate, so it is useless for him to pretend now that this fact has come as a sudden revelation that changed the dynamic and led to his withdrawal.
3. Patriots United made a significant effort over the past few months to organize a debate.  The League of Women Voters has yet to lift a finger in that regard, so whatever policy they, or Patriots United, follow with respect to political donations by organization board members is utterly irrelevant.
4. I find it notable that The Northwest Herald, which hosted both a primary and general election forum in the Sheriff’s race in 2010, “presently has no plans to host a debate.”
5. If Mr. Zinke is interested in a debate, he will find me open to any reasonable suggestions.
Bill Prim
Republican Candidate for Sheriff
Police Commander (Ret.)

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