Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Information Regarding 2014 McHenry County Sheriff's Election

Editor’s Note: This political information relates to the 2014 election
“To my neighbors, fellow residents of Richmond, and McHenry County:
“Experience, transparency and upholding the rights of citizens are among the reasons I am backing law enforcement veteran Bill Prim in the race for the McHenry County Sheriff seat.
“As president of the McHenry County Sportsmen’s Association, which is dedicated to promoting awareness of outdoor shooting types of sports, and wildlife and conservation laws, I believe Prim of Cary would be highly effective serving the residents of the county.
“I, along with the Sportsmen’s Association encourage all types of outdoor sports, such as fishing, archery and hunting, while promoting education and safety of all shooting-related sports.  And, upholding the Second Amendment to “our” Bill of Rights has always been of utmost importance – a right that Prim values.
“At the same time, he is highly skilled, having the experience and leadership McHenry County needs. 
“His 27-years as a suburban police officer and commander, and participation in numerous law enforcement task forces includes ones beneficial to our youth like helping to get rid of drugs, and gangs.  Prim, among other roles, was a dedicated gang crimes specialist on the Northwest Suburban Gang Task Force, and served on multi-jurisdictional narcotic and money laundering investigations on state and federal levels. 
“With that said, I saw first hand how Prim gave his time this summer talking to youth and their parents during the training class, Youth Introduction to Air Rifles – an association event that he co-sponsored.  His community involvement goes beyond that and speaks volumes of his character – something that should not be lost in this race.
“My endorsement, in part, is based on Prim’s commitment to making neighborhoods and schools a better, safer place, while encouraging community involvement with new volunteer programs, and implementing new crime prevention strategies.  It’s a grass-roots initiative – one that can’t be beat.
“I strongly encourage you to vote for Republican candidate, Bill Prim for McHenry County Sheriff in next year’s primary election in March.?
Matt Meyer – President, McHenry County Sportsmen’s Association

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