Monday, April 16, 2012

Explore McHenry County From Its Very Early Times

What sort of world did the native plants and animals of McHenry County come from? Terms like “prairie” and “oak savanna” are often used, but how are they different from the woodlands and grasslands?

If we wish to restore natural land, interpret its ecology, or use native plants around our homes and businesses, we need to find answers to these questions.

Explore the strange and beautiful world that existed before European-American settlement and find its relevance today in a class offered by McHenry County College.. Students will spend much of the day outdoors, so come prepared for the weather.

Bring a lunch and something to drink. Class meets from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, April 21 at the Lost Valley Visitor Center, Glacial Park. Cost is $40.
Use course ID: NPG S76 004 when registering.  

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