Saturday, March 17, 2012

For Adults Returning To College

McHenry County College will host the next “Getting Started” Seminar from 4:30-5:50 p.m. on Wednesday, April 11 for adults who are interested in earning a college degree or certificate, but are unsure how to go navigate through the process.

Getting Started” seminars, offered once a month, gives returning adults—who have been out of high school for several years or longer—find out more about college degrees and admission requirements. They will also have an opportunity to meet other potential students with similar interests.

Attendees will learn about degree and certificate requirements, start the financial aid process and tour the MCC campus. MCC also offers free tutoring and academic advising to students.

Helen Jost, adult recruitment coordinator at McHenry County College, specializes in helping returning adults get started at MCC.

Many adult students have jobs and families and worry about getting back into the swing of attending classes, studying and taking tests and being in a classroom with younger students,” Jost said. “These worries can be put to rest by the first day of class, she said.

All “Getting Started” seminars are free of charge. To reserve a seat, call (815) 455-8914 or e-mail Refreshments will be served. For more information on programs for returning adults, visit The college is located at 8900 U.S. Hwy. 14 in Crystal Lake.

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