Saturday, January 14, 2012

January--Cervical Cancer Awareness Month

Illinois Governor Pat Quinn has issued a proclamation recognizing January as Cervical Cancer Awareness Month. 

 McHenry County Department of Health (MCDH) and the Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Program would like to remind women of the importance of cervical cancer screenings.  The most preventable cancer, cervical cancer is the only cancer known to be primarily caused by a common virus, the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted infection.

Raising public awareness can save lives.  Nearly 4,000 women in America will die this year from cervical cancer which is largely preventable.  According to the National Cancer Institute, more than 12,000 women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with cervical cancer this year. 

 A simple outpatient screening test, known as a Pap test, can find changes in the cervix before cancer develops, often in a curable stage.  Pap tests are the first line of defense and are recommended for women every three years after the age of 21.  Early detection of these pre-cancers can be effectively treated before they become malignant. Unfortunately, four out of five women do not receive a regular pap test.

To improve your cervical and overall health, get 30 minutes of daily exercise; eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains; drink water and limit salt intake; and get vaccinated for HPV.

If you are a McHenry County woman between the ages of 35 and 64 without health insurance, contact the Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Program at 815-334-0232, located at MCDH’s Crystal Lake facility, to schedule your appointment.  For more information about HPV, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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