Monday, January 10, 2011

Finance and Audit Committee To Consider Expenditure Resolutions Tuesday

The Finance and Audit Committee of the McHenry County Board is meeting Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. in the County Board Conference Room of the Administration Building. The agenda indicates a presentation by the County's Auditing firm, Baker, Tilly, Virchow, Krause, LLP

Other business to be handled includes a number of resolutions for approval including:
  • The designation of the Office of State's Attorney's Appellate Prosecutor;
  • Authorizing a budget line item transfer in the County Coroner's budget of an added $12,000 to cover the added expenditures for the continuing number of autopsies required because of the volume of unexplained (citizens who cannot afford medical care) deaths in fiscal year 2010;
  • Payment of Special Prosecutor Fees and Consultant Fees from the General Fund Fiscal Year 2010 Contingency, in the amount of $112,938.19 for these services provided for the months of June 2010 through August 2010;
  • A Resolution authorizing acceptance of the State of Illinois Emergency Management Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness Planning Grant, not to exceed $9,200; and,
  • A resolution authorizing the Acceptance of the IEPA Solid Waste Enforcement Grant totaling $8,120; Acceptance of a solid waste grant in the amount of $41,624.17 which is 53.13% of the costs for the program; and setting the committee schedules for 2011.

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