Monday, July 19, 2010

Underage Drinking Task Force Recently Formed

An Underage Drinking Task Force was recently formed including representatives from the agencies that deal with minors including health, law enforcements and education. They have determined there is no single answer to the problem. However, it is felt a broad based effort is needed to raise awareness to the seriousness of parental responsibility with underage drinking.

McHenry County Sheriff's Department representatives emphasized the importance of parental relationship with teens. The group suggests that knowing who the teen child is with may reduce opportunities for underage drinking. Another suggestion is to monitor the child's Facebook or other social networking page and observe what they are doing.

County Board Chairman Ken Koehler says, "Underage drinking needs to be addressed along with the other issues that are plaguing McHenry County young adults." He also notes, "Outreach to parents through education is probably the most important step that can be taken."

The Underage Drinking Taskforce is meeting today to further consider ideas on the matter.

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