Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Crystal Lake Inventor Explains Demining Work In Cambodia Wednesday At MCC

Gary Christ, a Crystal Lake inventor, is working to make a better world. In February of 2001, he began volunteering his services by installing septic systems at orphanages in Cambodia. However, in 2004 a landmine was discovered at an orphanage he was asked to excavate. This dramatically changed his focus and he has been building demining prototypes ever since.

Gary was inspired to work on this invention to help the Cambodians to return to farming without the fear of losing loved ones to landmines and tons of unexploded ordinance left over from Southeast Asia's many conflicts, wars and invasions.

This Crystal Lake inventor is the guest of the McHenry County College Student Peace Action Network (SPAN) for the last informational seminar of the semester. "When is a War Really Over?" is the feature of the event scheduled Wednesday, April 28 at 7:00 pm in Room A221 at McHenry County College, The College is located at 8900 U.S. Hwy. 14, Crystal Lake. The event is free and open to the public. For more information, contact the MCC Student Activities Office at (815) 455-8772.

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